National OER Repository of Mauritius
The National Open Eudcational Resources Repository of Mauritius (NORM) is an initiative by the Ministry of Education, Tertiary Education, Science and Technology of the Government of Mauritius as part of its commitment to implement the OER policy of Mauritius. A Consortium of leading universities and institutions contributes to the content of this site. The goal of NORM is to:
- strengthen the commitment to OERs;
- transform the learning and teaching experiences;
- encourage and embed a culture of OER adoption and integration, including revision, remixing, repurposing and reuse;
- establish a framework where educational materials produced with public funds shall be made available using appropriate licensing;
- encourage educational materials produced by private funds to be shared using appropriate licenses; and
- guide the development and review of OERs.

Communities in NORM
Select a community to browse its collections.